Sunday, September 4, 2011

Quotes on Knowledge

“One momentary glimpse of divine wisdom, borne of meditation, is more precious than any amount of knowledge derived from merely listening to and thinking about religious teachings.”  - Gampopa

“When you know that you do not know anything, then you know everything.” – Swami Ramdas

Shared by Ananthuji of Navadarshanam

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Meaning Organization

Traditional businesses are struggling to recover from the economic downturn. They'll need to shift their focus from profits to authentic social engagement to have meaningful impact in the world.

Sharing this article by HBR writer Umair Haque.

I am intrigued by the Humanist in leadership that I have started noticing post the KM India, where I heard and met so many leaders with a spiritual inclination.  Never ever thought these two triats went together. I attribute this to the Rationalist environment that I have been in all the time. Productivity Productivity and yet again deliver value! Are Intangible values so fuzzy for the leadership to be comfortable? I was completely swept by this post by Umair and am compulsively sharing it here. A friend and me agreed he is the new Peter Senge! Keep a watch!

While we do it also lets do a bit of a self assessment where do we stand as an organization? What are our goals? Is it time for us to re-calibrate our vision?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Don't complain you have spam

In today's world of Social media it is more a testing time to find information of interest to us when it is being pushed to us. We choose to be lazy and searching for information is now second to social sharing and bookmarking. So don't complain about Spam.

Incase you do, it is your inadequacy to manage your mails and information that your circle of people are sending to you. Especially if you claim to be some one working in the field of social media. Else you are not fit to be there.

Here is where passion separates the chaff from the grain. Someone passionate is able to set rules for mails they would need and not need. They choose to follow/ unfollow people on several social media circuits.

Don't complain about spam, else you are a looser.